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MsgBox ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).Name. End Sub. I keep getting this error: "Run-Time Error 1004 - Unable to get the Buttons property of the Worksheet class" We want to be able to write a test that invokes this SideEffectingUDF function, and determines whether Application.Caller was invoked: Application.Caller is a dependency here, and for the test to be able to fulfill its purpose we must find a way to inject the dependencies so they can be controlled by the test, from outside the function. Veröffentlicht unter Code-Schnipsel, Tabelle und Zelle | Verschlagwortet mit Adresse, aktuelle Zelle, Application.Caller, selbst definierte Funktion, udf, Zelladresse | Kommentare deaktiviert für UDF: aktuelle Zelladresse nutzen Betrifft: Application.Caller.Value von: Mike Geschrieben am: 02.10.2018 10:06:36. Hallo zusammen, ich nutze folgenden Code um je nach gedrückter Schaltfläche(Formularsteuerelement) den Namen der Schaltfläche als String zu übergeben. Public Sub Commandbutton_Click() Dim Linie As String Pxx = Application.Caller.Value MsgBox "Pxx" End Sub VBA Visual Basic for Applications (Microsoft) Forum; It appears that, in Excel 2007, when a string is returned in Application.Caller it is limited to 30 characters. Application.Caller pour récupérer le nom du bouton.

Vba application.caller

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Aug 21, 2019 In this vba tutorial I am going to show you how to return values from an Application.Caller.Rows.Count returns the number of rows from the  on form you have parent but in vba i dont know how to determine the caller of a procedure. This is what i want to accomplish. Private sub test call Two() end sub Hi, I am having trouble calling the Application.Caller function in a vba function in Excel 97. Basically in my function, I want to know how the function was called  Tip & Truc, Application.caller (VBA).

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Free Excel Help Download Workbook Example of Which Button Was Clicked. Whenever we create or record a Macro we should then allow the user to run the macro either via a shortcut key and/or a button they can simply click.

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Vba application.caller

2006-12-28 · Being the Excel 97-using freak that I am (don’t blame mee, my job requires it!), Application.Caller is documented in the VBA help files. The text of the help file looks very similar to what Michael quotes from the book, but updated. Since I don’t have a copy of Excel 2000 or above handy, is this no longer the case?

Vba application.caller

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Hide specific Create Form Control Buttons Dynamically On A Worksheet With VBA Occasionally developers need to dynamically create buttons on a worksheet that are linked to a macro. Excel has two type of controls: Forms and Active-X.
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