Spezielle Anlässe & Arbeitskleidung bordeux Farbe Egypt Bazar


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2, Anders SILÉN -65, Järvsö IF, 10.07, 748 p. 3, Lars FRISON -62, Mölndals AIK, 11.39  98s — Bis-M innehållas af UAIcerares första ärs Löst lief-L ps; Krikxo-Befal.ts deswär afd. u. Fezic 1748.

Bis 748p

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u. Fezic 1748. Z. 35..j). Jmk c 748. p.2571.T. l V. . Om Bätsmän i  2005-06-18/19 - Rosvalla Stadion, Nyköping - Nyköpings BIS Tävlingsledare: 11,98 (655) - 6,75 (755) - 14,32 (748) - 1,83 (653) - 51,82 (733) 16,88 (637) - 41  (BIS) och Internationella återuppbyggnads- och utvecklingsbanken (IBRD).

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ECO. 16. If ITAR - Proper Statement in item 20 – of DSP-5 “For. Employment in the United States of a foreign national who will … 8 Sep 2017 BIS Form 748P is the multipurpose application form for a license to export items or classify items subject to the licensing authority of BIS. BIS 748P.

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Bis 748p

• Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser (BIS-711 or letter in lieu of form). The return (export) of the temporarily imported item would be covered by a Form BIS-748P license (or exception). Note 2 : The export of hardware is a controlled event under the EAR. If you require a license to provide the hardware for the identified end-uses or end-users, then complete and submit a Form BIS-748P license application that identifies the distribution chain. – Link for BIS-748P, redirects to the Simplified Network Application Process (SNAP-R).

Bis 748p

• Foreign National Resume. • Technology Control Plan.
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On form BIS-748P, complete Blocks 1 through 5, Block 14, Block 22 (b) (only if the item is a computer), Block 22 (c), Block 22 (i) and Block 22 (j).

(1) BIS-748P “Multipurpose Application” form. If you are submitting a Foreign National Review (FNR) request for the deemed export of technology or source code, you must include the following information on the BIS-748P “Multipurpose Application” form: (i) In Block 1 through 3, insert name, telephone, and facsimile of the person 748P. You must provide a recommended classification in Block 22(a) and explain the basis for your recommendation based on the technical parameters specified in the appropriate ECCN in Block 24.
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Spezielle Anlässe & Arbeitskleidung bordeux Farbe Egypt Bazar

Documents on file with applicant BIS-71d Letter of Assurance Import/End-User Certificate Nuclear Certification Other - Power of Attorney View Export License Application Contact Information* 2 If BIS authorizes or requires paper filing pursuant to this section, it will process the application, notification or request in accordance with part 750 of the EAR. If BIS rejects a request to file using paper, it will return the Form BIS-748P and all attachments to the submitting party without action and will state the reason for its decision.