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of Legitimación in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. The opposition doesn't approve of the legitimation of the referendum. approach in using different legitimation strategies. Keywords: CDA; legitimation discursive strategies; Fars News, Egyptian revolution; 1) beyond sentence. Feb 8, 2016 D. FARC Commanders: Gauging the Legitimacy of Transitional Justice paramilitary combatants and set expectations for reduced sentences,  Aug 2, 2019 In the institutional literature, four pillars of legitimacy are distinguished: normative, cognitive, regulative, and pragmatic.

Legitimation sentences

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Contemporary examples of states legitimized in a (predominantly) pre-modern way are constitutional theocracies such as Iran and Iraq. The modern type of legitimation is what we in the West, under the influence of rationalization, are most familiar with. An order of legitimation creates a father-child relationship in the eyes of the law. It allows the dad to be listed on the birth certificate.

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The government will not seek to disrupt the legitimate business Examples of legitimacy in a sentence: 1. Second, a difficulty in proving the legitimacy of the boy. 2.

Läkares legitimation: C1 från Folkuniversitet eller Tisus

Legitimation sentences

Piteå tidningen arvidsjaur  e-handel e-handelsföretag e-legitimation e-ljud e-lärande e-moll e-post e-posta e-postadress e-postmeddelande e-recept e-sport e-sträng e-tidning E-vitamin  An important addition is the sentence that allows for the legitimization of a slave Js Ert 16, ONorw FrL ArbB 1 legitimation ONorw GuL Løb See also: leysingi,  Contents: Prislista Glocalnet kontantkort; Om e-legitimation; Så skaffar du e-legitimation; Prislista Glocalnet kontantkort Copy the translated sentence. Phrases  Examples of using Cell phone at home in a sentence and their translations. Bank-id tillåter inte id-växling det vill säga att man använder e-legitimation för att  in a sentence with their translations: There will be situations where you can Ni måste båda ha e-legitimation och ansökningsavgiften är 900  Alla som har e-legitimation kan deklarera i Skatteverkets app eller e-tjänst. Many translated example sentences containing “deklarera”  Mobilt BankID är en e-legitimation för mobiltelefoner och surfplattor. Med ett Examples of using Mobiltelefon in a sentence and their translations. Copy the  in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.

Legitimation sentences

Legitimacy.. The act of establishing something as lawful, autho 2007-11-07 · In the first sentence you would want "legitimacy." Let me give a clearer example: "The Saudi regime derives its legitimacy from the royal family's long history as the defenders of Wahhabi Islam, which they and most Saudis regard as the only true Islam, that is, the only true religion." You couldn't say either legitimation or legitimization there. Sentence examples for legitimation of knowledge from inspiring English sources exact ( 1 ) Central to both is legitimation of knowledge acquisition from communities of practice or sites and 'knowers' (Mphahlele, 1992) 'outside formal institutions' of teaching/learning. Svensk översättning av 'legitimate' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online.
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4. The Legitimation sentence examples:1.on that basis, the author discusses the Legitimation of administrative authority and the boundary of execution.2.for half a century, the development of entrepreneurship education in america has experienced three stages: fragmentary exploration, gradual optimization and Legitimation, and its char Show More Sentences The Tudors who succeeded Richard to the throne reinforced their own legitimacy by setting out systematically to trash him.

‘What exactly are the mechanisms and institutions of legitimation?’. ‘The absence of UN legitimation of this exercise, as I've said many times in the past, has never been the central issue.’.
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German Translation of “legitimation” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. Legitimation. Legitimation should be seen as a social process, since institutional agents rely heavily on having an audience that accepts their selections and evaluations, or in other words puts ‘belief’ in them (Bourdieu, 1993). From: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015. Related terms: Ideology legitimation in a sentence and translation of legitimation in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by legitimized sentences in Hindi. There are 1 example sentences for legitimized.